
top 5 coolest Free Fire characters and how to get them

The top 10 Free Fire characters that you can use, the strength that each of them has, and the characteristics that make them superior to others while playing. How to get it and use its distinctive properties. Where each of them has a special prestige, but how can you get it and play with it?

All games in the world, especially those that run on the mobile phone, are characterized by the fact that they contain a lot of characters, as these characters vary and differ through the capabilities they possess and special features. And the game Grana Free Fire of the best and most games that give much attention as containing many characters give each special advantages of personalities. Thus, Grena Company is very interested in giving a different atmosphere in the game, and all players have the characters they want to play with. Each character can attract the attention of a player and suit the way he plays.

Free Fire characters are classified into three categories, the first is characters without a feature, the second are characters with an active feature, and the third are characters with a secondary feature, and in this article, we will show you the best, categorized and most amazing characters

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Rating of the coolest Free Fire characters

#1 – Alok

top 5 coolest Free Fire characters
top 5 coolest Free Fire characters

Classified as an active character, this character is inspired by the famous DJ ALOK, a 28-year-old man, who has traveled around the world, and the associated event in the Free Fire game is his presentation of a concert through the opening of one of the seasons in the game.

Special Forces: He can make a field that increases his speed and one day by restoring a percentage of health, and his advantage lasts for 10 seconds.

#2 – Skyler

top 5 coolest Free Fire characters

Classified as an active character, this character is inspired by the famous singer Skyler, a 26-year-old man, who was chosen to be one of the Free Fire characters as a singer who seemed to be on his way to fame.

Special Powers: He can launch a sound wave that breaks down barriers nearby and causes damage to far ones, his sound wave range is large, this character recovers health through what is destroyed or damaged.

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#3 – Woking

top 5 coolest Free Fire characters
top 5 coolest Free Fire characters

Classified as one of the active characters, this character is inspired by the monkey man, and it is a character that represents the impressions of the monkey man during the game, and all the monkey’s food is characterized by is bananas and his movements through dances.

His special powers: He can transform into a small tree, which is camouflaged from the enemies, and this feature lasts for 15 seconds, and one of the features of this transformation is that when using the weapon, this transformation ends and the character of the monkey man returns.

#4 – Chrono

top 5 coolest Free Fire characters
top 5 coolest Free Fire characters

Classified as an active character, this character is inspired by the famous soccer player Cristiano Ronaldo, a 35-year-old man who represents bounty hunters from another world or another dimension.

Special Powers: He can create a protection field for 8 seconds, which reduces the damage inflicted on him by enemies and can shoot them with ease. This field also gives him health, and this makes him one of the integrated characters.

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#5 – A124

top 5 coolest Free Fire characters3-min
top 5 coolest Free Fire characters3-min

Classified as one of the active characters, this is a character inspired by the robot and represents the merging of humans with technology to be a character that uses electronic energies, an 18-year-old girl. Perhaps the inclusion of a strange company for this character is due to the need for a semi-human and semi-human character to satisfy the desires of players who want to experience this type of character.

Special Powers: This character can transfer part of the energy to raise health levels, and this feature lasts up to four seconds.

How to get Free Fire characters

top 5 coolest Free Fire characters2-min
top 5 coolest Free Fire characters2-min
  1. After each update: This method is represented in that Grena Free Fire displays the daily account login event, where the Free Fire player who plays daily can claim to get one of the strong Free Fire characters like Cristiano Crono, but the player must be The player must play Free Fire daily for a period of no less than 20 days.
  2. Buying characters through gold: One of the features of these many powerful characters is that Free Fire players can buy them through gold, and they are located in the store where these characters can be obtained through gems, and Grena also provides another option, which is through gold, Where the player can collect a set or quantity of gold and does not need more than 8000 gold to buy a character.
  3. The most purchased gems: One of the advantages that Greena Free Fire provides to those who ship gems, is that they can claim to get one of the characters for free, without spending any gems on them or gold, and this is because they are known to buy gems or have shipped gems before , And this is through a classification put by the company Greena Free Fire.

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